“No water , no life
No blue , no green”
On March 30th, 2016 some of the representatives from the Rotary Club of Naperville attended meeting in Vizianagram . They also visited Duppada district where the Rotary club of Naperville in collaboration with the Rotary Club of Vizianagram constructed a water- San complex for use by 400 people who belonged to scheduled tribes and scheduled castes. According to estimates the plant would produce a revenue of ₹2,00,000 by selling safe drinking water at ₹2 per 12 liters.

Back to the present the representatives who were part of the vocational training team to India were honored for influencing the people at waste water treatment plants to use more modern methods for producing cleaner and more healthier water for the people in the districts to use. They do not want to stop at this point but want to influence many more water treatment plants in AP and Telangana.

” When the wells dry we know the worth of water the most.”